
Testonine a natural testosterone to drive muscle growth and performance

  • Increase your lean muscle mass, strength and stamina
  • Boost your sex drive and enhance your physical performance
  • Natural, powerful, proven ingredients with no side effects
  • Just 2 tablets a day to boost testosterone quickly and effectively

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the USA

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Daily testosterone booster supports optimal male performance.

Testonine is a powerful, dual-purpose performance enhancer designed to help improve your muscle growth and enhance your physical performance by boosting your natural testosterone levels..
It's a safe, natural and effective way to build quality, lean muscle faster and consistently perform at your best every single day.
  • Daily testosterone support: Boost your body's natural testosterone levels quickly and easily with just 2 tablets per day

  • Powerful, natural ingredients: Potent formula packed with all the essential testosterone- boosting ingredients you need to perform at your peak.

  • Safe, effective formula: Scientifically formulated with clinically proven, ingredients that are safe, natural and effective

  • Proven results: Extensively researched ingredients backed by numerous clinical studies proving their effectiveness

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Maximize your muscle growth and reshape your physique

Whether you’re building muscle for the first time, your gains have plateaued, or you’re training to build serious size, Testonine will make a big difference to your results.


By boosting your testosterone levels, Testonine can significantly improve the rate of your muscle growth while helping to decrease body fat.


Combined with a clean diet and proper exercise, Testonine will help you maximize your gains and achieve your ideal physique.

  • Increase muscle mass - build quality, lean muscle for faster, visibly bigger gains.

  • Less fat, more muscle - shift stubborn body fat faster and more effectively

  • Break through plateaus - kickstart stalled muscle growth and get your gains to the next level.

  • Improve your physique - improve your body composition and develop a lean, muscular physique.

Take your workouts to the next level

Get your edge back in the gym with Testonine’s potent blend of powerful testosterone-boosting ingredients and energy-fuelling herbal extracts.


Improved testosterone levels will give you the drive to take your performance to the next level.


With enhanced strength, stamina, energy and focus, get ready to conquer the toughest workouts, set all-new PBs and smash your fitness goals.

  • Increase your strength and stamina - train harder for longer and lift more weight for bigger gains.

  • Boost your energy - beat fatigue and be workout- ready any time with increased energy levels that last the day

  • Enhance your focus - sharpen your mind-muscle connection for bigger, better gains

  • Recover faster - reduce muscle damage and recover faster during and after your workouts

  • Improve your performance - quickly and. effectively achieve your fitness and physique goals

Boost your sex drive and improve your sexual performance

Want to step things up in the bedroom? Libido been lagging lately? Increased testosterone can have a significant effect on your sex life. And Testonine contains ingredients known not just for their T-boosting benefits, but also for their proven effects on libido and sexual performance.


Ginseng and zinc have been shown in studies to significantly improve libido, erectile function and sexual performance, while L-arganine boosts blood flow to your penis, giving you stronger, longer lasting erections.


With more desire, more energy and more stamina, you’ll enjoy a sizzling, more satisfying sex life.

  • Fire up your sex drive - Be in the mood and ready to satisfy your partner and enjoy more regular, rewarding, pleasurable

  • Reverse your flagging libido - bring the sexual spark back and make the bedroom a playground again.

  • Enjoy stronger, longer erections - enhance your satisfaction and pleasure your partner with powerful erections.

  • Increase your stamina and endurance - perform better, last longer and go the distance every time.

  • Improve your confidence - banish anxieties and insecurities and feel powerful and confident at every sexual encounter

Give your body what it needs to grow muscle and perform at its physical peak


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Fully loaded with all the essential, most. effective, testosterone-boosting ingredients.

Testonine contains all the essential ingredients you would expect to see in a quality testosterone supplement, combined with potent energy-boosters and libido-enhancers to give you results you can really see and feel..
  • 18 essential vitamins, minerals and potent herbal extracts to safely and effectively boost your. testosterone levels and enhance your performance without risking your health

  • Cutting-edge ingredients sourced from all over the world that have been scientifically tested and. efficaciously dosed to give you maximum results in the quickest time.

  • All natural ingredients for an all natural testosterone boost - Testonine is free from unsafe, banned or unregulated compounds and is produced in the USA to FDA approved, GMP standards.

Zinc 50mg

Zinc is an absolutely essential mineral for supporting healthy testosterone levels, but most men don't get nearly enough of it through their diet. So we've put a generous dose of 50mg of zinc in every serving of Testonine to protect you against deficiency and keep your testosterone production functioning healthily and optimally.
Studies have shown:
  • When young men followed a low zinc diet, their testosterone levels dropped by a massive 75% in just 20. weeks[1], proving what a vital role zinc plays in testosterone production

  • The same study showed that when older men increased their zinc intake their testosterone levels almost doubled[2] within 6 months

  • Zinc may benefit physical performance by preventing the temporary drop in testosterone levels that exercising to exhaustion can cause (as shown in research with male elite athletes)[3]

  • Studies have also suggested that zinc has a positive effect on libido and erections[4]

Tongkat Ali 400mg

A Southeast Asian herb, tongkat ali not only boosts testosterone levels but can help increase strength and muscle mass, improve body composition, enhance physical performance and improve recovery [5,6]. It’s also a well known, effective libido booster.


Testonine contains a huge 400mg of tongkat ali in every dose – that’s double the dose used in some of the studies!

Studies have shown:
  • In just one month, testosterone levels significantly increased in over 90% of older men with low T-levels after taking 200mg of tongkat ali each day[7]

  • Men taking 100mg of tongkat ali daily while strength training significantly increased muscle mass, strength and lean body mass compared to those those taking a placebo[8]

  • Men taking 300mg of tongkat ali every day experienced significantly improved libido, erection hardness and sexual performance in just 12 weeks[9,10]

Maca 250mg

A Peruvian plant related to broccoli, cauliflower and kale, maca is popular with bodybuilders and athletes due to its ability to help improve muscle growth, strength and energy, and to increase stamina and endurance. It also enhances sex drive.
Studies have shown:
  • After just 14 days supplementing with maca extract, male cyclists completed a 40km time trial significantly faster, and also reported improved sex drive1l

  • Maca improved the sex drive of men aged 21-56 within 8 weeks compared to a placebo[12].

L-arginine 250mg

L-arginine plays a role in protein synthesis, which means it helps support efficient muscle growth. It also improves blood flow, increasing the amount of nutrients that can be delivered to your muscles. This can help improve your endurance during your. workouts and support your recovery. Better blood flow also means bigger, harder erections!
Studies have shown:
  • Within just 60 days, animals given L-arginine supplementation showed a 5.5% increase in muscle gain and 11% decrease in body fat[13]

  • 31% of men experienced a significant improvement in their erections and sexual performance after taking L-arginine for 6 weeks[14]

Ginseng 125mg

Used for centuries in Chinese medicine, this herbal supplement has been found in studies to enhance testosterone levels. But it has a host of other benefits too. It can improve your energy levels(15), enhance your physical performance and may even support fat loss. But ginseng's main claim to fame is its powerful aphrodisiac properties.
Studies have shown:
  • Ginseng increased both free and total testosterone levels and luteinizing hormone (which stimulates testosterone production) in a study of 66 men[16]

  • Asian ginsengs improved muscle strength, physical performance and mental alertness within 8 weeks[17]

  • Korean red ginseng may support fat loss by increasing fat breakdown and helping prevent the formation of new fat cells[18,19]

  • Men with ED taking ginseng for 8 weeks reported a 30% improvement in libido, 37.67% improvement in erectile function and 37.67% improvement in satisfaction with their sex life[20,21]

Testosterone and performance support complex

An expertly combined blend of ingredients from around the world designed to maximize testosterone production and help you perform at your best in every aspect of your life.

Includes boron, which studies have shown increases testosterone levels [23], nettle, which research has suggested may help slow the conversion of testosterone into estrogen[24], and cayenne pepper, which is proven to boost fat burning[25].

Oat Straw (leaf and stalk)
Sarsaparilla (root) extract
Pumpkin (seed)
Orchic (substance)
Muira Puama (bark) extract
Nettle (leaf)
Cayenne pepper (fruit)
Astragalus (root) extract
Licorice (root)
Catuaba (bark)
Tribulus terrestris
Oyster extract

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100% pure, premium and safe.

We take product quality and safety seriously. That's why we are proud to manufacture Testonine in the USA in an FDA registered, GMP certified facility under the most stringent quality control conditions.

Testonine uses only the highest quality ingredients and every batch we produce is rigorously lab tested to ensure purity, potency and effectiveness.

When you purchase Testonine you are protected by the highest global manufacturing and hygiene standards. And you are getting a premium product containing only pure, natural ingredients with no artificial chemicals, preservatives or filler.


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100 day money back guarantee

We're confident that when combined with a sensible diet and workout routine, the powerful, proven ingredients in Testonine will help you build muscle, improve your performance (both in and out of the gym)and help you achieve your goals. But if, after giving it an honest try for at least 50 days, you don't believe Testonine is supporting your efforts and you are not happy with your results, simply email us within 50-100 days of receiving your order and we will happily refund your money, excluding a $15 fixed fee to cover shipping and admin costs*

*Terms and conditions apply. Guarantee applies to purchases of over one month’s supply and only on first purchase. Click here to read the full terms of our refund policy.


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Raise your game with Testonine

Just two tablets a day is all it takes to boost your testosterone levels, optimize your physical, sexual and mental performance and perform at your peak.

Increase your testosterone naturally without side effects

Build quality lean muscle and enhance your strength

Shed fat and improve your body composition

Boost your energy, stamina and drive in the gym 


Select your Testonine package now


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You'll find all the top questions we are asked about Testonine here. If you are still unsure, get in touch today and we'll be happy to answer any other questions you may have.

Who is Testonine suitable for?

If you're a man and over 18, Testonine is designed for you. Raising your testosterone levels can help you if you're:
  • Struggling to build muscle or just want to improve your results in the gym
  • Trying to lose stubborn fat and transform your physique
  • Feeling like your sex life has gone downhill and want to improve your libido

How do I take Testonine?

Simply take 2 Testonine tablets daily, 20 minutes before your breakfast for best results.

How long will it take to work?

Assuming you are maintaining a suitable, regular training program, you could see muscle and strength developments within a month to six weeks.


You can expect to see an improvement in your energy, focus and general vitality within just a few weeks. And you could see an improvement in your libido in as little as a month.


Of course, no two people are the same and results - and the speed of results - will vary between individuals.

Can I take Testonine as a long-term solution?

Testonine will help your body increase its testosterone production in a completely natural way, so there is no limit, as such, to how long you take it.


When using Testonine in the long-term, you may notice an occasional plateau in your results. Although rare, this can happen as a result of your body naturally adapting to supplementation. To counter this, we recommend taking a break from Testonine for a week or two every few months.

Do I have to make any changes to my diet or exercise routine?

Assuming you are already following a suitable training and diet program in order to build muscle, you don’t have to make any changes when taking Testonine. As your testosterone levels rise, your body will be able to use proteins more efficiently, helping you to build muscle mass.


If you are aiming to build muscle for the first time, we recommend that you follow a suitable training program and eat a healthy well-balanced diet that is suitable for your body goals in order to see the best results.

Is Testonine safe? Are there any side effects?

Testonine is completely safe for consumption with no known side effects reported. Each of the ingredients in Testonine are 100% natural and do not contain any artificial steroids or other harmful substances.


Testonine is manufactured in the USA in an FDA registered, GMP certified facility under the most stringent quality control conditions. Every batch we produce is rigorously lab tested to ensure quality and purity.


As with any supplement or food, some people can have allergies or intolerances. If you have any problems whilst taking Testonine, we recommend that you stop taking it and seek your doctor’s advice.

Does Testonine contain any banned substances?

Testonine contains natural testosterone boosters with no illegal steroids or banned substances.


However, laws are different between countries and some herbs may be banned. If you are playing sport or other physical competitive activity, you should check the relevant sports authorities’ regulations in your own country about taking supplements.


We ship worldwide but it is your responsibility to check whether everything in a supplement is acceptable. Testonine clearly states all ingredients on the label to make this straightforward.

What's in Testonine?

Where do you ship to?

We ship Testonine to USA, UK and Canada.

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Clinical References

Click here for full details >

[1] A low zinc diet caused a 75% decrease in testosterone levels after 20 weeks


Prasad AS, Mantzoros CS, Beck FW, Hess JW, Brewer GJ. Zinc status and serum testosterone levels of healthy adults. Nutrition. 1996 May;12(5):344-8. doi: 10.1016/s0899-9007(96)80058-x. PMID: 8875519.


[2] Increased zinc intake in zinc deficient older men nearly doubled testosterone levels after 6 months


Prasad AS, Mantzoros CS, Beck FW, Hess JW, Brewer GJ. Zinc status and serum testosterone levels of healthy adults. Nutrition. 1996 May;12(5):344-8. doi: 10.1016/s0899-9007(96)80058-x. PMID: 8875519.


[3] Zinc may be beneficial to physical performance


Kilic M, Baltaci AK, Gunay M, et al. The effect of exhaustion exercise on thyroid hormones and testosterone levels of elite athletes receiving oral zinc. Neuro Endocrinology Letters. 2006 Feb-Apr;27(1-2):247-252


[4] Zinc may have a positive effect on libido and erections


Dissanayake D, Wijesinghe PS, Ratnasooriya WD, Wimalasena S. Effects of zinc supplementation on sexual behavior of male rats. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2009 Jul;2(2):57-61. doi: 10.4103/0974-1208.57223. PMID: 19881149; PMCID: PMC2800928.


[5] Tongkat ali may increase muscle strength and endurance


Khanijo T, Jiraungkoorskul W. Review Ergogenic Effect of Long Jack, Eurycoma Longifolia. Pharmacogn Rev. 2016;10(20):139-142. doi:10.4103/0973-7847.194041; PMCID: PMC5214558


[6] Tongkat ali may enhance sports performance and weight loss and accelerate postexercise recovery


Shawn M. Talbott, Chapter 63 – Human Performance and Sports Applications of Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia), Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance (Second Edition), 2019, Pages 729-734, ISBN 9780128139226


[7] Tongkat ali increased testosterone levels in 90% of older men with low testosterone levels


Tambi MI, Imran MK, Henkel RR. Standardised water-soluble extract of Eurycoma longifolia, Tongkat ali, as testosterone booster for managing men with late-onset hypogonadism? Andrologia. 2012 May;44 Suppl 1:226-30. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0272.2011.01168.x. Epub 2011 Jun 15. PMID: 21671978.


[8] Tongkat ali increased lean body mass, muscle strength and size in 14 healthy men


Hamzah S, Yusof A.  The ergogenic effects of eurycoma longifolia jack: a pilot study, Department of Exercise Physiology, Sports Centre, University of Malaya, Joint Conference of BASEM and BASES. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2003;37:464-470.


[9, 10] Tongkat ali improved sexual libido, erection hardness and sexual performance in 12 weeks


Ismail SB, Wan Mohammad WM, George A, Nik Hussain NH, Musthapa Kamal ZM, Liske E. Randomized Clinical Trial on the Use of PHYSTA Freeze-Dried Water Extract of Eurycoma longifolia for the Improvement of Quality of Life and Sexual Well-Being in Men. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012;2012:429268. doi: 10.1155/2012/429268. Epub 2012 Nov 1. PMID: 23243445.


Udani JK, George AA, Musthapa M, Pakdaman MN, Abas A. Effects of a Proprietary Freeze-Dried Water Extract of Eurycoma longifolia (Physta) and Polygonum minus on Sexual Performance and Well-Being in Men: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014;2014:179529. doi: 10.1155/2014/179529. Epub 2014 Jan 12. PMID: 24550993.


[11] 14 days maca supplementation improved 40 km cycling time trial performance and sexual desire in trained male cyclists


Stone M, Ibarra A, Roller M, Zangara A, Stevenson E. A pilot investigation into the effect of maca supplementation on physical activity and sexual desire in sportsmen. J Ethnopharmacol. 2009 Dec 10;126(3):574-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2009.09.012. Epub 2009 Sep 23. PMID: 19781622.


[12] Treatment with maca improved sexual desire in men aged 21-56 at 8 and 12 weeks


Gonzales GF, Córdova A, Vega K, Chung A, Villena A, Góñez C, Castillo S. Effect of Lepidium meyenii (MACA) on sexual desire and its absent relationship with serum testosterone levels in adult healthy men. Andrologia. 2002 Dec;34(6):367-72. doi: 10.1046/j.1439-0272.2002.00519.x. PMID: 12472620.


[13] L-arginine supplementation promotes muscle gain and reduces body fat in pigs


Tan B, Yin Y, Liu Z, Li X, Xu H, Kong X, Huang R, Tang W, Shinzato I, Smith SB, Wu G. Dietary L-arginine supplementation increases muscle gain and reduces body fat mass in growing-finishing pigs. Amino Acids. 2009 May;37(1):169-75. doi: 10.1007/s00726-008-0148-0. Epub 2008 Aug 6. PMID: 18683021.

[14] L-arginine significantly improved sexual function in 31% of men after 6 weeks


Chen J, Wollman Y, Chernichovsky T, Iaina A, Sofer M, Matzkin H. Effect of oral administration of high-dose nitric oxide donor L-arginine in men with organic erectile dysfunction: results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. BJU Int. 1999 Feb;83(3):269-73. doi: 10.1046/j.1464-410x.1999.00906.x. PMID: 10233492.


[15] Ginseng improves energy levels


Arring NM, Millstine D, Marks LA, Nail LM. Ginseng as a Treatment for Fatigue: A Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Jul;24(7):624-633. doi: 10.1089/acm.2017.0361. Epub 2018 Apr 6. PMID: 29624410.


[16] Ginseng increases free and total testosterone and LH levels


Salvati G, Genovesi G, Marcellini L, Paolini P, De Nuccio I, Pepe M, Re M. Effects of Panax Ginseng C.A. Meyer saponins on male fertility. Panminerva Med. 1996 Dec;38(4):249-54. PMID: 9063034.


[17] Asian ginsengs improve muscular strength, physical performance and mental alertness


Bucci RL, Selected herbals and human exercise performance. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Volume 72, Issue 2, August 2000, Pages 624S–636S, doi.10.1093/ajcn/72.2.624S


[18, 19] Korean red ginseng may increase fat breakdown and prevent the formation of new fat cells


Shin SS, Yoon M. Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng) inhibits obesity and improves lipid metabolism in high fat diet-fed castrated mice. J Ethnopharmacol. 2018 Jan 10;210:80-87. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2017.08.032. Epub 2017 Aug 24. PMID: 28844680.

Park K, Yoon M. Korean Red Ginseng (Panax ginseng) Potentiates the Inhibitory Actions of Testosterone on Obesity and Adipogenesis in High Fat Diet-Fed Castrated Mice. Korean Society For Biomedical Laboratory Sciences. Biomed Sci Letters 2017;23:261-27


[20, 21] Ginseng improves libido, erectile function and overall sexual satisfaction


Kim TH, Jeon SH, Hahn EJ, Paek KY, Park JK, Youn NY, Lee HL. Effects of tissue-cultured mountain ginseng (Panax ginseng CA Meyer) extract on male patients with erectile dysfunction. Asian J Androl. 2009 May;11(3):356-61. doi: 10.1038/aja.2008.32. Epub 2009 Feb 23. PMID: 19234482; PMCID: PMC3735289.


Ham WS, Kim WT, Lee JS, Ju HJ, Kang SJ, Oh JH, Her Y, Chung JY, Park K, Choi YD. Efficacy and safety of red ginseng extract powder in patients with erectile dysfunction: multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Korean journal of urology, 2009, 50(2), 159‐164


[22, 23] Boron increases testosterone, nettle increases testosterone circulation


Pizzorno L. Nothing Boring About Boron. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2015 Aug;14(4):35-48. PMID: 26770156; PMCID: PMC4712861.


Naghii MR, Mofid M, Asgari AR, Hedayati M, Daneshpour MS. Comparative effects of daily and weekly boron supplementation on plasma steroid hormones and proinflammatory cytokines. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2011 Jan;25(1):54-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2010.10.001. Epub 2010 Dec 3. PMID: 21129941.


[24] Stinging nettle may help slow the conversion of testosterone to estrogen


Chrubasik JE, Roufogalis BD, Wagner H, Chrubasik S. A comprehensive review on the stinging nettle effect and efficacy profiles. Part II: urticae radix. Phytomedicine. 2007 Aug;14(7-8):568-79. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2007.03.014. Epub 2007 May 16. PMID: 17509841.


[25] Cayenne pepper (capsaicin) increases fat burning


Lee MS, Kim CT, Kim IH, Kim Y. Effects of capsaicin on lipid catabolism in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Phytother Res. 2011 Jun;25(6):935-9. doi: 10.1002/ptr.3339. Epub 2010 Nov 17. PMID: 21626599


Kang JH, Kim CS, Han IS, et al. Capsaicin, a spicy component of hot peppers, modulates adipokine gene expression and protein release from obese-mouse adipose tissues and isolated adipocytes, and suppresses the inflammatory responses of adipose tissue macrophages. FEBS Lett 2007;581:4389–96. doi:10.1016/j.febslet.2007.07.082


Lee GR, Shin MK, Yoon DJ, Kim AR, Yu R, Park NH, Han IS. Topical application of capsaicin reduces visceral adipose fat by affecting adipokine levels in high-fat diet-induced obese mice. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013 Jan;21(1):115-22. doi: 10.1002/oby.20246. PMID: 23505175