🎉 Over $60 million in commissions paid since 1999 



  • Lifetime Tracking

    Sticky Attribution

  • Earn 40-60%

    Per Sale

  • Bi-Weekly Payouts

    Vai Tipalti

  • Loyalty Rewards

    Tier System

Lifetime Tracking

Sticky Attribution

Earn 40-60%

Per Sale

Bi-Weekly Payouts

Via Tipalti

Loyalty Rewards

Tier System

Unlimited Earning Potential Starts Here 

Monetize your website traffic promoting quality 
brands in the health and wellness industry

Competitive Commissions

With up to 60% commission, we've got some of the highest-paying offers in the industry

Lifetime Cookies

Unlike the measly 30 days most networks give you, our delicious cookies last forever

Chargeback Protection

Give chargebacks the middle finger and always keep your commissions from every sale

Advertising Resources 

Create successful sales campaigns with a treasure trove of free promotional resources

Private Facebook Group

Get expert marketing advice, insider knowledge, hot off the press news and more  

Exclusive Brands

We own all our brands so we can ensure they always remain competitive and perform highly 

Personal Support

Ongoing support from industry pros to help you grow your business and achieve your goals

Reliable Tracking 

Never miss a sale with reliably accurate multi-level tracking for all your clicks and sales


Affiliate Success Stories

With over 20 years in the biz, we've helped thousands of people 

just like you become thriving, successful affiliate marketers 

Click below to read revealing interviews with just some of our affiliate partners - and pick up some of their secrets to success!  

We Do Things Differently

At Health Nutrition, we don't come first. You do.  

Unlike other networks that treat you more like a replaceable commodity than the valuable asset you truly are, when you partner with 
Health Nutrition, our loyalties will always lie with you. Our business model means we only make money when you do. So our biggest 
priority is ensuring you have access to the best offers, resources, training and support to make your business a success.  

“I’ve been a HN affiliate for over 10 years and they have never failed to put the affiliates interest first in every choice they made”

Tony J

“I’ve been contacted several times by other affiliate networks asking me to join, but I’m completely happy at HN and will be staying solely with you. Best network!”

Michael  A

“I always put HN offers above others; they always have a much better conversion” 

Tony J

“The best thing for me has been being able to connect with like-minded people; getting to know other affiliates who have the same goals as me” 

Jorge L

“The offers have very high commissions, especially for non-digital products. This allows me to be sure I will reach my return on investment quite fast” 

Guillaume R

“Since switching to PhenGold from another leading Phen product, our earnings have doubled”

Lucas S

“I wouldn’t have made it this far without the support and guidance of the affiliate managers. I owe this to you guys. Long live HN!” 

John K

“I just want to say a big THANKS to HN. You guys changed my life. Thank you”

B Argirov

“HN was the first and only affiliate network I’ve joined. I’ve been contacted by others and decided against joining. Why? Because HN gives you everything on a plate” 

Kevin H

“Generous and one of the best if not the best in market”

Timothy S

“HN commission rates? Very generous and one of the FATTEST in both the fitness & health industry and affiliate partnership business generally” 

Patrick U

“Amazing offers that convert super well, and of course they have these same offers in different languages”

Lisa J

“HN has the best support in the industry by a mile” 

Priya S

“I truly feel part of an amazing community which pushes me to continue improving and contributing” 

Malik P

“They do something I haven't seen other networks do. They are a true community” 

Chelsea B

“I’ve seen Affiliate Networks going from “good” to “bad” to “Gee, what happened to you? You used to be cool.” but HN has done nothing but improve over the years. They’re always adding more offers, improving their platform, and their manager-to-affiliate support is 5 stars” 

Tom K

“My personal relationship with HN has been very incredible to say the least. They made it possible for me to realize my long-term dream of working from the comfort of my home successfully” 

Karl H 

“Tracking has always been one of the USP’s of HN. Even when issues transpire the dev team are quick to rectify” 

Tony J

“I test my affiliate links at random and their tracking system never fails to record every click” 

Ricardo S

“Payments are always on time, no exceptions!” 

Ron W

“Unlike most networks, HN remains very open and transparent. I'm hook to their honesty even in the face of embarrassing incidents” 

Patrick U

“My partnership with HN made me feel I had become part of a family” 

Katherine V

“I have been pursuing the dream of financial freedom. I have managed through my hard work and the support of HN to not only live on my commissions but to work less and enable my business to become semi autonomous. Thank you HN”

Andy H

“HN never failed to deliver a payment in over 8 years”

Rob P

“Gone are the days where I would have to worry about my hard-earned money being refunded due to a ridiculous chargeback” 

Jay J

“I always put HN offers above others on my top list of products for a reason; they always have a much better conversion” 

Tony J

“The support at HN is world class” 

Timothy S

“I have never had a problem with HN payments - it’s probably the only affiliate payment I don’t bother checking too closely” 

Tony J

Guaranteed Payments

Bi-weekly payments made on time, every time

We’ve never missed a payment since we started in 1999. Because we believe that whatever happens - advertiser does a runner on us, natural disaster, robot uprising - that's our problem, not yours. We'll ensure you always get your money.

Payment Methods




Payout Costs

None, nada, zilch

Minimum Payout

$100 / €100 / £50


Reward Tiers

Earn points and get promoted through the tiers as you make sales and gain more experience.

Level Up Rewards

Commission Bumps

Reward Points

Free Products

New Brand Head Starts



Join us - you're in good hands

We've been doing this since 1999


It's free, quick and easy to become 

an affiliate today


Instantly access a range of health and 

wellness products to promote


Pocket up to 60% commission for every 

sale you make. Yay!


Yes, it's Free to Join, And All Your Other Questions Answered

Getting Started

Do I have to pay to join?

Nope! It’s absolutely FREE to join. Just sign up, verify your email address and access your new account right away. Easy peasy!

Do I need to sign a contract?

No, but we might ask you to submit some form of identification, just to ensure you can get your first payout without any problems.

I’m totally new to this affiliate marketing thing. Where do I start?

Welcome to the wonderful world of affiliate marketing! It can all seem a bit daunting at first but don’t worry; we’ve got your back.  Once you join, you'll get access to our reward system, full welcome training program, as well as access to a huge Facebook group.

Do I need to have experience in affiliate marketing to be successful?

Absolutely not. Once upon a time, even the most successful affiliates were clueless newbies! But you should at least have a passing interest in the area you’ll be promoting or you’ll find it’ll all get pretty boring, pretty quickly. As long as you’re eager to learn and willing to put the time and effort into growing your affiliate business, there’s absolutely nothing standing in your way of becoming a successful affiliate.

Will you help me become a successful affiliate?

Of course! Some of our most successful affiliates were complete newbies when they joined! Whether you’re new to affiliate marketing or not, we’ll give you ongoing, expert guidance in improving your traffic and sales and help you become a competent, successful affiliate marketer (and we’ll get you there way quicker than if you go it alone). Once you join, you will get access to our reward system and all new affiliates get a full welcome training program as well as access to a huge facebook group.

How much money can I make as an affiliate?

As much as you’re willing to work for. Some of our affiliates are earning thousands of dollars every month. Because they work damn hard for it. Some affiliates make nothing. Affiliate marketing is NOT a get rich quick scheme. Despite what all those “gurus” will tell you. It’s not easy. And you have to work hard. But we’ll help you. And once you crack it, all the effort will be well worth it. Those affiliates earning thousands of dollars a month? Every one of them started out as a total affiliate marketing rookie, just like you. Anyone can do it. But not everyone has got the attitude, determination and drive to do it. Have you?

How much commission will I get?

Loads. All new affiliates start with 40% commission as standard. Work your way up the tiers to earn more.

Do I need a website to be an affiliate?

No! There are lots of ways to make money in affiliate marketing. Just think of affiliate marketing as running a marketing business and selling products in exchange for commissions. The world is your oyster.

Will you give me advertising material to use?

We give you a whole bunch of cool stuff to help you promote the products. Once you've signed up and logged in, you'll find all the advertising material you need to start promoting. If you need anything bespoke, we can recommend tons of tools to help.

Can someone take a look at my work and tell me how I'm doing?

Sure thing! We have a whole community on Facebook who can help give you feedback and suggestions. Don't be shy! 

How do you track my visitors? I want to make sure all my sales will be tracked.

Whenever someone clicks on your affiliate link a cookie is dropped onto your visitors computer and we record their IP information. We’ll then redirect that person to the brand website where they will (hopefully!) proceed to make a purchase. You can see every new click you get in the stats area of your account.Whenever someone makes a purchase we track this for you. We check the purchaser’s cookie and IP data to see if it matches your click, and then – yay for you – we assign your commission for the sale! We use industry-leading tracking software Everflow to track all your sales. And we reckon it’s probably the best, most reliable and accurate tracking system in the world. 

How long do you store the cookie on my visitors computer for?

Forever! Most affiliate networks only give you a measly 30-day cookie period as standard. Which means unless your visitor buys from the advertisers site within 30 days, you won’t earn any commission for that sale. We give you lifetime cookies. Which means you’ll still get the commission for the sale regardless of whether someone takes weeks, months, or even years to buy.

Payment Questions

When will I get paid and how do your payouts work?

We issue affiliate payments every two weeks, so as long as you keep earning commissions, you’ll never have long to wait between pay days. Each month is split into the following two periods:

Period 1: 1st – 15th of the month 
Period 2: 16th – last day of the month 

Providing you’ve reached your minimum payout threshold (£50/$100/€100) the earnings you make during period 1 will be paid to you on the last day of the same month, and your earnings from period 2 will be paid to you on the 15th of the following month.

You’ll receive a notification each time a new payout has been generated for you. If you don’t earn enough commissions to reach the minimum payout threshold during a payment period, these earnings will rollover to the next period, and will continue to do so until the threshold is reached.

What's the minimum payment amount I've got to earn before I can get paid?

The minimum payout thresholds are: £50, $100 or €100 (depending on which currency you specified when you registered your account).You must earn at least the minimum payout amount in whichever currency you have specified during each payment period before you will be eligible to receive your payment. 


If you don’t earn enough commission to reach the minimum payout threshold during a period, these earnings will rollover to the next period, and will continue to do so until the threshold is reached. At that point, a payout will be generated for you and you will receive your payment on the next relevant payout date.


You can set yourself a higher threshold if you want to receive larger, less frequent payments. Sorry, but no you can’t decrease this threshold (nice try though!).

What payment methods can I use and how long do they take?

All payments are fully automated using Tipalti, which allows for over 50+ payment methods in 120+ currencies. You will need to signup for a Tipalti account and link it to your affiliate account.

Can I get paid early please?

Unfortunately not. Payments are generated automatically and all affiliate payments are scheduled to be sent together on the standard payment dates. To remain fair to all affiliates, we can’t bend the rules for anyone.

What currencies can I get paid in?

Tipalti offers payments in over 120 different currencies.

I haven't received my payment. What's going on?

If you’ve reached your minimum payout amount and received notification that a payout has been generated for you, it’s very unlikely that you won’t get your payment. Payments are fully automated and you will get your payment via Tipalti instantly at the end of each payout period (assuming you have hit the minimum payout).

Affiliate Link Questions

Where do I get my affiliate link?

Log into your affiliate account and head to the “Offers” section in the menu. Click on the offer name to see details and you'll see an “Offer Tracking Links” button top right. This will open a link builder, allowing you to customize and/or generate your affiliate tracking link.

I've got my affiliate link. What do I do with it?

When your visitor clicks the link, they’ll be redirected to the brand website and we track their visit. If they go on to make a purchase – kerching! – we’ll assign you the affiliate commission for that sale. 

How do I pass subid / click id / keyword information?

As part of the link builder you can click on "Additional Parameters" and pass you own tracking details. These will then show up in your reporting for both clicks and conversions.

How can I get postbacks / webhooks setup?

Inside your affiliate portal, navigate to "Postbacks" and add a new postback. There are a few postback types: 

- Conversion: This is when you make a new sale from a new customer

- Event: This will fire when an existing customer makes another sale (e.g. Subscribe & Save customers)


You can set the deliver method to Postback (webhook using POST) and specify the URL along with any values. We also support other postback methods including html, meta and Tiktok.

Reward Tier Questions

How do I rank up?

The tier system is based on the number of sales you generate. There are two metrics we track: lifetime sales (sales you've made in the last 12 months) and current sales (sales you've made in the last 30 days). You will need the following sales numbers to rank up (or remain in your current rank).
















How often will my tier change?

Tiers are calculated each month. You can only move up or down one tier each month. For example, if you joined in month 1 and sent 5,000 sales (that would be nice!) then at the start of month 2 you would become bronze, then month 3, silver and so on. Likewise, you move down tiers the same way. 

Do all sales count towards the total?

Yes, every single conversion counts towards both your total lifetime and current sales total. The sales are counted regardless of which brands you promote and the type of conversion.


Sales, subscriptions, recurring subscriptions, up-sales and cross sales all count towards your totals.

Can you show me an example of how it might work in reality?

Sure, here is how it could look in reality:


- Month 1: [Sapphire] You joined the network and sent 5 sales (40% Commission)

- Month 2: [Bronze] You are promoted to Bronze as you have sold more than 3 lifetime sales. You send 10 more sales (45% Commission)

- Month 3: [Bronze] You have 15 sales, that's 5 under the 20 needed to become Silver. You send 10 more sales (45% Commission)

- Month 4: [Silver] You are promoted to Silver. You stop promoting and make 0 sales (50% Commission)

- Month 5: [Bronze] You are downgraded to Bronze as you failed to send the 1 sale required to remain Silver (45% Commission) 


Compliance & Promotional Methods