The 11 Testosterone Commandments

The 11 Testosterone Commandments

Looking to boost your testosterone levels? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve got the dos and don’ts to help you improve your T in no time. But first, let’s talk about testosterone a little more. Testosterone is a male steroid hormone, also known as androgen. It is predominantly produced naturally in the testes, playing a key role in the male reproductive system and in sperm production. As men hit puberty, testosterone is responsible for characteristics such as body hair growth and a deepened voice. It also plays a part in increasing muscle mass, sex drive, mood and behaviour. During puberty and in adolescence, T levels surge - and naturally decrease as men age. Most men experience a natural, steady decline in their testosterone levels after hitting 30. Reports have shown that men’s testosterone levels have dropped by 20% in the last 20 years. And although many think low T is simply something that comes with aging, the same report showed men much younger than 40 were suffering from low testosterone, too.
Also Read: How Testosterone Boosters Work
Studies have shown that 10% of men between the ages of 40 and 60 in the UK have low testosterone. A few lifestyle and diet changes can work wonders for your testosterone levels. If you’re experiencing symptoms of low T, whether mild or severe, listen up! We’ve got 11 commandments to raise your testosterone without drugs or drastic measures. Let’s get cracking with the first commandment.

1. I will eat a balanced diet, rich in healthy fats, protein and carbs

We all know a healthy, nutritious diet is good for us. There are plenty of foods that power up your testosterone levels! A healthy diet consisting of whole, single-ingredient foods can all contribute towards maintaining your testosterone levels. These single-ingredient foods typically include the main macronutrients (fats, protein and carbs) that your body needs. Both overeating, under-eating or extreme dieting can put a strain on your T levels. To ensure you’re getting the right foods that power up your testosterone levels, add a variety of vegetables into your meals. Avoid junk food and highly processed foods.

2. I will keep stress levels low

Laughter is good for the soul. But did you know, it’s also good for your testosterone levels? Keeping your stress levels to a minimum can benefit your body and mind in many ways. Managing stress, optimising your mood and laughing frequently will help your body to naturally produce testosterone. Think about it. When you’re feeling stressed, your body shows it. Persistent stress and high levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) can cause your T levels to plummet.
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Plus, when we’re feeling stressed we’re quick to turn to junk food. Fatty and processed foods can impact our mood and health, increasing body weight and causing havoc with your testosterone levels. Unsure how to keep your stress levels low? For some time now, meditation and testosterone have been linked. Take just a few minutes out of your to meditate, take deep breaths and clarify tasks to help your brain feel clutter-free. There are plenty of meditation apps around to show you the way.

3. I will exercise regularly for a healthy lifestyle

Regular exercise is great for the body and mind. It helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle, get our hearts pumping and boost natural testosterone production. In recent years, we’ve all become a little lazy. Slumping over computers, driving to work and avoiding the gym. This lack of exercise can have a huge impact on your wellbeing - and your testosterone levels. Studies have shown that exercise boosts testosterone levels across all age groups. Plus, it can help you build muscle, improve heart health and help joint mobility. If you’re carrying a little extra weight, shedding a few pounds can help boost your T levels.

4. I will get plenty of quality sleep

Plenty of quality sleep is beneficial for your mind and body in many ways. Prioritising 8 hours of sleep is incredibly important for overall health - including your testosterone levels. In fact, studies have shown that not getting enough sleep can cause your T levels to drop. We get it, you just need to check your emails before bed. But endless scrolling and constant exposure to technology can disrupt your sleep.
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Much like maintaining a healthy lifestyle and keeping your stress levels low, poor sleep can impact these areas. Once you fall into a cycle of junk food, high stress levels and little sleep, it can be difficult to kickstart your motivation to exercise and eat well. To get the best quality shuteye, create a curfew with technology. Where possible, leave your mobile phone in another room. The blue light emitted from your phone’s screen can delay the release of sleep-inducing melatonin. Plus, nobody likes a stressful email before bed.

5. I will soak up some sun

Ahh, vitamin D. Although it can be found in multiple foods, including eggs, cheese and oily fish, there is nothing better than soaking up that sun outside. Vitamin D plays an important role in the production of testosterone. If you can’t catch the sun, or your diet is a little restricted, you can get a little extra vitamin D in supplement form. Studies revealed that men who took vitamin D supplements over a one year period showed an increased in their T levels.

6. I shall take testosterone-boosting supplements

There are plenty of ways to raise testosterone without drugs. One of which involves T-boosting supplements. We’ve already mentioned the importance of vitamin D, but there are other minerals you can bring into your diet, too. One study found that taking D-Aspartic acid (a natural amino acid) for 12 days can give your body’s natural testosterone production a boost. Used for centuries in traditional medicine, the hear Tribulus Terrestris has been shown to increase testosterone… In animals. Although, some evidence suggests it may enhance sex drive in men and women. Some supplementation, however, relies on checking your existing levels. For example, zinc and magnesium can help to restore your testosterone levels - but only if your body is deficient in these areas.

7. I will not chase ‘optimal’ testosterone levels

It’s important to remember here that everyone’s optimal testosterone levels are different. There is no magic number to aim for that suits every individual. As you look to increase your levels naturally, whether through foods that power up testosterone, exercise or supplements - be sure to not chase the ambiguous “optimal” level. Don’t go overboard, as there can be side effects from having too much testosterone.

8. I shall commit to resting, too

Much like dieting, boosting your testosterone doesn’t happen overnight. It’s important to follow these commandments and be patient. Plus, allow your body the time it needs to rest. Plenty of men can become frustrated at waiting for their testosterone levels to rise. In order to see real results, you need to be committed to your new lifestyle changes. Whether it’s exercise, a healthy diet, plenty of sleep or incorporating minerals and nutrients for testosterone into your regime - it takes time. While exercise may show a spike in testosterone, there needs to be a careful balance to reap the benefits.

9. I will always say no to drugs

Commonly used for bodybuilding, anabolic steroids can have a huge impact on your testosterone levels. They work by increasing testosterone levels, often excessively, which can result in a hormone imbalance. Once your body takes a break from such steroids, your natural production of testosterone can shut down - having previously relied upon the steroids. As well as steroids, alcohol and smoking can all impact your T levels too. Although prescription medications are commonplace for many men, if you have recently started a new drug you could notice some side effects. Several drugs used to treat infections, high blood pressure and some antidepressants can cause your testosterone levels to decrease. Although it may seem tempting, don’t simply stop any medication. Always seek advice from your doctor before changing or stopping any necessary medication.

10. I shall seek medical advice when needed

Us guys can be pretty difficult when it comes to visiting the doctors. A study of 1000 men showed that three-quarters of participants avoid visiting their GP. Your health is important and needs to be taken seriously. If you are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone after implementing these steps, seek an examination from your doctor. Don’t let your levels get too low before taking action, as this can result in needing testosterone replacement therapy later on.

11. I will boost my testosterone with TestoGen

Now that we’ve covered what kills testosterone, let’s talk about how to fix the problem. TestoGen’s premium ingredients are 100% natural, with zero side effects. This powerful formula can rewind your flagging sex drive and improve your performance in the bedroom. Our natural testosterone supplement is 100% pure and natural, with ingredients including fenugreek extract, vitamin B6, vitamin D3 and D-aspartic acid - all of which can increase your body’s natural production of testosterone. Easy to use and 100% safe, opt for a safe, legal way to boost your T levels. With no nasty side effects.
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