If you’re chomping at the bit to start growing a beard, yet finding that your cheeks continue to be distressingly sparse, you’re not alone. The ability to grow a beard varies enormously from man to man, and is based on dozens of factors.
Often, even among those who
can grow substantial facial hair, there’s a huge amount of variety: some can just about manage a moustache, yet dream of chunky sideburns. Others may have a nice covering along their jawline, but find themselves self-conscious of a perfectly bald top lip. What causes such differences in our beards?
Is there more to growing a luscious beard?

Genetics is a major player. Sometimes, people are simply predetermined for threadbare mutton-chops or a limp goatee, while others—with the exact same lifestyle choices—are able to grow a full-on Leonidas. Your ethnicity plays a part in this, as does your ancestry.
Despite this, if you find your beard is lacking and you want to take it up a notch, there’s still hope: there are plenty of tactics you can employ to ensure your beard has the best chance possible, and testosterone production —the main cause of beard growth after genetics—factors into every one of them. This is the number one male hormone for beard growth, and thickening your beard can be achieved by stimulating its production in your body.
Here are all the ways you use the power of testosterone to increase your beard growth!
Eat a Healthy Diet
Our diets determine pretty much everything about our health and the way we look. Switching up the food you eat won’t do much if you’re genetically predisposed to be beardless, however it can help whatever beard hair you
do have reach its full potential.
Related article: We love testosterone and so should you!
Staying on a healthy diet can ensure you stay trim, too; obesity can cause drastic drops in testosterone production, and your beard will suffer as a consequence.
A diet high in iron, zinc and healthy fats is great for hair, whether on your head or in your beard. We’re talking chickpeas, avocados, salmon, and a ton of fruit and veg. Eat a balanced, healthy diet and watch that beard grow!
Get plenty of exercise
We know, we know—it’s another obvious one. But lifestyle changes can really help your body to perform at optimal levels. When you work out, your blood-flow improves throughout your body, which can stimulate your hair follicles into growing.
In addition, weight-lifting (in particular with heavy weights) causes your body to produce extra testosterone; it’s not uncommon to find new beard growth after starting a new, intense exercise regime!
Get 8 hours of sleep per night

You need sleep; sleep is king. Every single body is aided by sleep—while we’re zonked out in bed, our body is busy at work fixing all the damage we do to it in a typical day.
Studies have found that in young men who are sleep-deprived, testosterone is reduced too, so make sure you get to bed on time, and similarly, don’t sleep in longer than you need to.
Between eight and nine hours of sleep per night is ideal for the vast majority of people out there.
Maintain good hygiene
A well-groomed beard looks fuller, thicker and healthier, and exfoliating your skin removes debris from around your hair follicles, giving them a better shot at growing.
You can buy conditioners for your beard too—these may not increase hair growth, but they do aid your beard in looking thicker and being more manageable.
Testosterone supplements
Testogen is an all-natural supplement which works to increase your testosterone levels quickly and safely. Made from proven, powerful natural ingredients, it can boost your testosterone levels and increase your muscle size, strength, stamina, and your libido—not to mention your beard growth! If you are somewhat lacking in the hormone, taking Testogen daily can help boost your T levels, bringing about all the benefits of testosterone you’ve been missing out on.
There are no side effects involved, owing to the careful manner in which its ingredients have been selected.
Not only do users find it easier to achieve their body transformation goals with Testogen, but they regularly experience improved mood, focus and energy levels—from a little as just a single week taking the supplement.
Ultimately, there’s no single route to growing a thicker, fuller beard. If you combine all of the advice above, however, you’re giving yourself the best possible chance at success.
Plus, all of these lifestyle changes involve forging a better, healthier you—an excellent little bonus you’ll achieve while you’re on your beard-growth journey!