It’s scary times we live in, with studies now warning that amongst the many side effects linked to the Coronavirus, men’s testosterone is taking a hit too.
So far, the virus has had a
bigger toll on men than it has on women, with many questioning testosterone’s role in dampening the immune system.
Where previous studies have suggested that low testosterone could be a cause for poor prognosis, the virus’s
impact on testosterone is now up for discussion.
The impact of lower testosterone levels

Naturally, as men age, their testosterone levels decrease. This means that if studies are correct, it can have a huge impact on the immune system and therefore the effect of the virus.
At the same time, Covid-19 is reducing those precious testosterone levels by altering the
functioning of the gonads. And nobody wants that.
While the severity of Covid-19 in men appears to be increasing - with links to lowered testosterone - the urgency to seek a boost in levels is rising too. Of course, it’s worth discussing these lowered levels in relation to infections, rather than simply the presence of testosterone itself. Sadly, guys, studies aren’t quite there yet to give the full picture.
Also Read: Low Testosterone and Coronavirus
However, in a recent study, one professor mentioned that the presence of Hypogonadism - a condition where the body doesn’t produce enough testosterone - was found in 51.1% of the study’s participants.
How testosterone treatment could improve health

Testosterone treatment could soon show an increase in the power to fight off infections. Normal T levels are a vital weapon for men in fighting off the virus - acting as an anti-inflammatory.
Another benefit of many from boosting your testosterone levels is an increase in libido. A dip in your bedroom mojo can leave you feeling low and unhappy, but you can stimulate your libido to new heights and perk up your sexual performance with an increase in testosterone.
An increase in T has also been known to help you shift that excess body fat and muscle development and the physical benefits don’t end there. Lower cholesterol and higher energy levels will help you to become a leaner, more focused version of yourself.
Natural testosterone boosters

A natural testosterone supplement, TestoGen contains 100% pure and natural ingredients to easily boost your testosterone levels. These supplements fit neatly within your busy daily routine, with four capsules to be taken first thing. These capsules contain a combination of eleven ingredients, tested for their safety by TestoGen and with no side effects.
These supplements work hard to boost the levels of testosterone that your body produces, in turn then giving you leaner muscle, more strength and higher stamina with improved focus too.
Within as little as a week of taking these supplements, you can expect to see an improvement in your mental agility, mood and focus as well as muscle and strength improvements within a month, alongside a regular training program.
How you can boost your testosterone naturally
If you’re worried that your testosterone levels may be dipping, there are a range of things you can do to kickstart your drive once again. It’s worth taking a look at your lifestyle for areas that you can improve. For example, getting enough sleep. Somewhere between 8 and 9 hours is plenty, leaving you feeling raring to go each day.
Keep your stress levels at a minimum where possible and hit the gym to get that blood flowing! Cardio is the perfect solution to get your heart pumping, alongside strength training to give your testosterone the boost it deserves.
Plus, an increase in testosterone - via cardio - can increase your sexual ability and improve your performance in the bedroom. Bonus.