D-Aspartic Acid and It's Health and Testosterone Boosting Benefits

D-Aspartic Acid and It's Health and Testosterone Boosting Benefits

More and more people are learning about the important role of supplementation for helping to improve health and build muscle. While many people still enjoy using synthetic drugs and steroids to help enhance their growth, these drugs are now well-known to cause a number of unpleasant side effects. For this reason, a lot of people are beginning to use natural substances such as d-aspartic acid supplements. While these substances might not cause as much of an immediate change in their physiology, they can lead to a slower, healthier long-term improvement to health. In this article, we’re going to talk about the effects of d-aspartic acid on testosterone. By the end, you’ll know whether or not this substance is going to be a good addition to your diet or workout plan.

What Is D-aspartic acid?

D-aspartic acid is an amino acid supplement that people have used to help support, regulate and boost levels of testosterone in the body. But what is an amino acid? Amino acids are a certain type of molecule that can help the body perform a number of different functions. They are primarily known for being the building blocks of protein, but they are also used for helping to build hormones and neurotransmitters - compounds that our brains and nervous systems use to transmit messages and communicate. There are generally two different types of each amino acid - the L or the D form. Each different form has the same chemical makeup, but they are mirror images of each other and are referred to as either the left- or right-handed version of the amino acid, respectively. L-aspartic acid can be found in nature - in fact, your body can produce it on its own. D-aspartic acid is more involved in the production of hormones, as well as for regulating the release of these hormones. It’s especially important for helping the body produce and regulate testosterone, one of the chief hormones responsible for muscle health and sexual energy.

Effects of D-aspartic acid and testosterone

One of the most popular uses of D-aspartic acid is for the maintenance and production of testosterone in the human body - despite the fact that studies aren’t all in agreement as to whether or not D-aspartic acid can actually fulfill this function. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzvRQNPjHpc One study evaluated several young men between the ages of 27 and 37. They were given D-aspartic acid supplements for almost two weeks, and it was proven that 20 of the 23 study subjects displayed an increase in their testosterone levels. The benefits remained for at least 3 days after they finished taking the supplement - their testosterone levels remained 22% higher than they were at the start of the examination. That said, other studies have had conflicting results. One study evaluated the effects of D-aspartic acid on overweight males - some of the men didn’t experience any benefits, but some of those who had lower testosterone levels at the start of the examination showed a marked increase in testosterone. This suggests that the supplement is more beneficial for people who struggle to produce testosterone naturally. The interesting thing is that the above studies didn’t evaluate men who were very active. Studies that have been done on active men with normal testosterone levels have shown that D-aspartic acid tends to have no effect, and in some cases can actually lower testosterone levels. This suggests that D-aspartic acid might help men who are struggling to produce a healthy level of testosterone, but that it’s not particularly effective for healthy men or for people who are hoping to use it to improve the results of their workouts. The majority of research that’s been done on bodybuilders or other physically active men revealed that people tend to gain the same amount of muscle regardless of whether they’re taking the supplement or not.

Other D-aspartic acid benefits

Benefits of d-aspartic acid You might want to use D-aspartic acid to help manage low testosterone, and that’s great - but there are a number of other D-aspartic acid health benefits that you might experience. These are some of the most common.

Fertility in both men and women

There is some evidence that suggests that D-aspartic acid can help to restore fertility. However, just like it has been shown to help improve low testosterone, D-aspartic acid does not show striking promise for helping to improve fertility in men who are already healthy. That said, D-aspartic acid studies on fertility revealed that the majority of men who had fertility problems experienced improvements in sperm count after taking the supplement for a few months. Other aspects of fertility, including motility, also increased. It’s not just men who can experience a restoration in their fertility from using D-aspartic acid, either. One study revealed that women experience a decrease in the amount of D-aspartic acid in their follicular fluid as they grow older. The decreasing amount of this amino acid interferes with the health of the woman’s eggs, and taking the supplement can help restore them to good health.

Helps Evaluate Aging

A person’s longevity can be evaluated in different ways by observing the amount of D-aspartic acid found in people’s bodies as they grow older. People tend to have more D-aspartic acid present in their organs and tissues, and while all of the benefits of this may not be fully understood, this is an important indicator for medical science.

Functions as a Nootropic

Nootropics are compounds that help to boost or enhance some area of our cognitive faculties - basically, they make us smarter and more capable. There is quite a bit of evidence that D-aspartic acid helps to improve memory and brain function in mice, and many people have reported that they experience a degree of improvement when they use the substance. It’s possible that D-aspartic acid works as a nootropic in a similar manner as its other benefits - meaning that if you’re already in a state of sound cognitive health, it may not cause you to experience much improvement at all.

Recommended dosage of D-aspartic acid

The dosages of D-aspartic acid depend on what you’re using it for - however, one thing to note is that larger dosages aren’t always better, especially when it comes to using amino acid supplements. After a certain amount, your body doesn’t process the substances. Most of the studies linked to above have had the subjects using doses anywhere from 2 and a half to 3 grams daily. These dosages were enough to provide effects to the subjects, though remember, it was only in subjects with deficiencies or other health issues that most of these benefits were experienced. This means that if you’re not seeing improvement with D-aspartic acid, taking more won’t necessarily help. If you’re struggling with a testosterone deficiency then perhaps another supplement will be best for you.

Are there any D-aspartic acid side effects?

When using any substance, even a natural amino acid like D-aspartic acid, it’s wise to be aware of any potential side effects and interactions. Amino acid supplements are generally safe, and D-aspartic acid is no different. One of the studies that were done on D-aspartic acid performed some fairly extensive blood testing on the subjects to evaluate whether or not any issues occurred for the people who were using the substance. After the 90-day evaluation, no side effects were noted. On the other hand, another of the studies that we linked to earlier found that 20% of study subjects experienced irritability, anxiety, and headaches when using the substance - through 10% of the placebo group also experienced this. D-aspartic acid is unlikely to cause any serious side effects, and it’s relatively safe to assume that most people can use the stuff for 3 months without experiencing any adverse effects whatsoever. However, since many of the studies didn’t actually make reports on side effects, it’s still wise to be cautious.

Natural sources of D-aspartic acid

D-aspartic acid is a natural substance, and as such there are a number of natural sources that contain the amino acid. However, in the case of D-aspartic acid, you’re probably not going to be able to get enough from your diet to make a difference in your health. The main reason for this is because most foods contain L-aspartic acid, not D-aspartic acid. Foods like turkey, eggs, soy, avocados, beans, and different forms of meat contain L-aspartic acid, but this doesn’t function the same as D-aspartic acid. Research hasn’t yet identified how it happens, but it’s possible to convert L-aspartic acid to D-aspartic acid through the process of cooking or fermentation. Unfortunately, specific methods are not yet available.

The best D-aspartic acid supplements formulas

Since it's hard to get D-aspartic acid from your diet, you’re probably going to want to get a supplement to help you obtain the nutrient. If you’re hoping to maximize the benefits of your D-aspartic acid, consider Testogen. The supplement contains a number of other natural ingredients that are known to influence metabolism, muscle growth and libido, such as fenugreek, red ginseng, and magnesium. This supplement is great for bodybuilders, athletes, people hoping to boost their sexual health and those interested in maximizing their physical abilities. It’s also possible to buy pure D-aspartic acid powder and make your own supplement blends, though this requires a bit more research and dedication.


D-aspartic acid is an amino acid supplement that has been shown to help people manage low testosterone, low libido, and other issues surrounding cognitive and physical health. D-aspartic acid is most useful for helping to correct an imbalance or a deficiency and doesn’t seem to directly enhance the results of exercise. However, many people have found it beneficial for getting them started on the road to good health. Hopefully, after reading this article, you’re able to decide whether or not D-aspartic acid is a good choice for you.
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