What does a fridge stocked for weight loss look like?

What does a fridge stocked for weight loss look like?

Ladies, let’s be honest - how often do you go to the fridge, hungry and tired at the end of the day, hoping to have ready-to-go meals that are healthy and tasty staring back at you? If, instead, a pile of junk or processed food is peering back at you, your chances of eating healthily are gonna be a lot lower. After all, your eating habits are only as good as your food supply. Whether you’re looking to lose or maintain weight or just add some healthy options into your diet, there are ways to organize and arrange your fridge to set you up for success! Not sure where to get started with organizing your fridge for weight loss success? Then we’re here to help with some top tips about stocking your fridge for weight loss! You’re much more likely to see, eat and enjoy healthy foods if they’re ready to go and staring back at you when you open the fridge door.

Organize your fridge

Invest in fridge storage or baskets to help you categorize and organize your fridge by food type: dairy, fruit, vegetables, snacks, condiments, and leftovers. This makes it easier for you to find healthy food and more manageable ways to avoid unhealthy food!

Food prep your portions

food meal prep for weight loss You’ve probably heard of food prepping meals, right? But what about your snacks? Portion out your peanut butter and pop it into little tubs so that you don’t go overboard when spreading it on crackers.

Make your trail mix, portion out carrots & hummus together, have fruit salad cut up and ready to go. These are just some of the easy ways to pre-portion your snacks and make them easy to grab.

Fill up the fridge with fun water

Sometimes you just want to drink something with a bit of flavor, which can have you reaching for a soda. Instead, fill a large pitcher with water and flavor it naturally with fruit. Some of our favorites are:
  • Lemon
  • Limes
  • Berries
  • Mint
  • Cucumber
Plus, by quenching your thirst with naturally flavored water instead of juice, you’ll be cutting out the calories that quickly add up in juices, smoothies, and sodas.

Create fridge rules

This sounds complicated and scary, but it’s really not! Here are a few to get you started:
  • Don’t buy food that contains trans fats
  • If sugar is the first ingredient, don’t stock it
  • If there are lots of ingredients on the list, be wary

Opt for healthy alternatives to your favorites

healthy food alternatives This way, you’re getting the taste of food you enjoy but without the extra calories.

So, if you love flavored non-dairy creamer, for instance, swap it for unsweetened vanilla almond milk. This way, you’ll get the flavor in your morning coffee but not the sugar or trans fats.

Slow down and enjoy it

If you’re going to get a snack, opt for snacks you need to slow down and enjoy. For example, instead of a glass of OJ that you can grab and gulp mindlessly, choose an orange that you need to peel.

Put some motivation on the fridge door

Think of something that motivates you, whether it’s a quote, a picture, or even your goal, and put it on the fridge. You’ll be confronted with this motivation every time you open the door.

Stuck for what to stock in your fridge?

healthy fridge foods Struggling to think of healthy and tasty foods to stock in your diet-friendly fridge? Here’s some quick and healthy go-tos for your fridge!

Fruit salad

Prep a fruit salad and drizzle it with lemon or lime juice to keep it from browning. Then, pack it in an air-tight container for on the go.

Crunchy raw veg

Whether you opt for cucumber, celery, zucchini or carrots, wash and cut them into sticks or slices and pack in an air-tight container.

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Ready to go salad

Prep a salad with spinach or romaine lettuce and add tomatoes, beans, nuts and even seeds to have ready to go in the crisper. Perfect for a snack or a side!

Or, this salad can even quickly be transformed into a main meal with the addition of grilled chicken breast, lean steak, or cooked shrimp.

Wholewheat pitta or tortillas

By switching from refined or white grain products to whole grains, you’re making one of the most effective dietary changes that you can make. Keeping a pack of wholewheat pitta pockets or tortillas in the fridge can inspire quick and healthy meals or snacks.

Low-fat dairy

Did you know that low-fat dairy products have impressive levels of calcium and protein? For example, a cup of fat-free yogurt takes you a third of the way to your daily calcium intake. As well as being 17% of your daily protein needs.

Jar of marinara or pizza sauce

A jar of pizza sauce opens you up to a whole range of quick, easy, and healthy meals. Did you know that tomatoes are packed with essential nutrients? Plus, they have three high-powered antioxidants that work well together to bring the most out of your nutrients. These include: vitamin E, vitamin C, and beta-carotene.

Ready to go pesto made with olive oil

Pesto makes an excellent spread for sandwiches or pizza, a tasty sauce for pasta dishes and is an easy way to work a little olive oil into your diet. As well as healthy monounsaturated fats, olive oil contributes more than 30 phytochemicals, many of which have antioxidant/anti-inflammatory action in the body.

Almond butter

Nuts, in general, contain a lot of good fat, including monounsaturated fat and a little polyunsaturated fat, plus plant omega-3 fatty acids for some nuts. An easy way to get some of these healthy fats into your diet is with some almond butter.

Iced green tea

One of the easiest ways to cut out calories is by skipping drinks containing many empty calories. This is where iced tea comes in. Tea contains catechins, which are thought to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. They stimulate the immune system and possibly boost weight loss.

Ready to get organized and hit your goals?

We hope these top tips for organizing your fridge will help you reach your weight loss goals! By stocking your fridge for weight loss success, you’re much more likely to stick to your goals and achieve them. Have you thought about how Trimtone could also help support your healthy living goals? Our carefully created formula is made with 100% natural ingredients and works to reduce your appetite, boost your metabolism, and melt away fat!
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