There are many foods, herbs and nutrients backed by men looking to boost their testosterone and support their health. One of which is the Damiana leaf.
This Central American herb has been around for many, many years, frequently used in tribal medicine. However, if we’re being
totally honest, there isn’t much around to support its claims.
When it comes to scientific research, there are few studies to show the true Damiana benefits for men. But of course, we’re here to take a look for ourselves.
What is Damiana?
A popular American herb, Damiana - or Turnera diffusa - is most commonly used for stomach problems and other minor health complaints. As well as being used as an aphrodisiac to increase your libido and testosterone levels.
It’s claimed that Damiana contains chemicals that may affect the brain and nervous system. Studies that take a closer look at Damiana benefits solely rely on lab rats, however, leaving us scratching our heads over Damian benefits for
When the Damiana herb has been examined in relation to people, sadly, we’ve only uncovered studies that research Damiana mixed with other herbs. Hmm! But let’s look a little closer into how Damiana and testosterone may work together...
Hormones and your sex drive

While testosterone is the most significant male sex hormone, there are a variety of bodily processes that can affect your sex drive.
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Our bodies work in wonderful ways, but if something goes out of alignment, your libido may take a hit. Since testosterone is the main driver of your libido, if you suffer from low T, you could suffer from sexual dysfunction.
Damiana and testosterone have been associated with one another for some time now. Since it is considered an ancient aphrodisiac, it is relied upon by some who feel it has testosterone boosting effects.
Damiana effects on testosterone

As we mentioned previously, Damiana’s effects on testosterone has plenty of room for further research. However, we did uncover one study in particular. In said
study, of 78 men suffering from sexual dysfunction,
no change in testosterone levels were recorded.
With a lack of research on Damiana effects on testosterone and how it may benefit male health, we’re led to believe that it’s quite simply,
a herb… With no impact on your T levels, especially when used individually.
During research, Damiana was found to be both anti-estrogenic and estrogenic at the same time. Although that doesn’t quite match up!
An anti-estrogenic are usually considered a class of drugs that prevent estrogens, commonly used in breast cancer treatment. But while it’s also estrogenic, using Damiana could result in men developing estrogen and feminine characteristics. A little puzzling if you ask us!
Aromatization and Damiana

As we age, our T levels can naturally begin to decrease. While this isn’t a sudden drop overnight, it can make an impact on your energy levels, sex drive and much more. This can make it difficult to balance androgen and estrogen in your body - and as we get older, more of your available T converts to estrogen. This process is called aromatization.
If your testosterone levels have a significant drop, you’ll suffer physically - losing a certain amount of strength, muscle mass and energy. As well as notice a dent in your libido.
Aromatase inhibitors are commonly used to boost and maintain your testosterone levels. When it comes to Damiana effects on testosterone, it features two compounds with anti-aromatase properties:
Pincocembrin - An antioxidant flavanone. This will help you to regulate your energy levels and is usually found in honey, marjoram and ginger root. T levels aside, it has been used to treat strokes and other health conditions.
Acacetin - Another antioxidant with similar anti-aromatase properties. This can also be found in silver birch and black locust trees, as well as Damiana. Typically used during post cycle therapy (PCT) after a steroid cycle.
Does Damiana work?
If you’re wondering,
how long does Damiana take to work, firstly, we should be questioning whether Damiana works
at all.
Also Read: What is Horny Goat Weed and Does it Increase Your Testosterone?
When we’ve dug a little deeper, some
research found has focused on women with low sex drive -
not quite the Damiana effects on testosterone we were looking for.
However, one
study examining male rats proved that Damiana benefits for men included therapeutic properties on sexual dysfunction. Although, during the study, researchers weren’t solely examining Damiana effects on testosterone, and instead were combining Damiana with Yohimbine.
So, could Damiana have benefits for men? Potentially. But since there is little research behind this well-known herb, its true effects are pretty unknown.
When frequently paired with the likes of Yohimbine - commonly found in dietary supplements - it can be difficult to determine Damiana’s effects on testosterone alone.
Naturally boosting your testosterone

When talking about male health, there are many lifestyle factors that can impact your sex drive and your T levels. Since your hormones tell your body how to respond to many things, when the amount of certain hormones change in your body, it can have a dramatic effect.
Some foods can have a
negative impact on your testosterone, including:
- Soy products
- Licorice root
- Alcohol
- Processed foods
- Mint
- Flaxseeds
- Nuts
While a small amount of these foods in your diet isn’t going to turn your T levels upside down, understanding the impact of processed foods and excessive alcohol consumption is still pretty important!
Also Read: Testosterone Boosting Herbs That Can Naturally Boost Testosterone
Following a healthy lifestyle will benefit your mind and body in many ways, including your testosterone production.
Is there an alternative to Damiana out there?

Testogen is a 100% safe and natural testosterone booster, improving muscle growth, energy levels, performance, fat loss and your libido.
We don’t believe in packing hidden or “secret” fillers into our products, which is why we only use
natural ingredients backed by clinical studies. Inside Testogen, you’ll find ingredients such as magnesium, fenugreek extract and vitamin D3.
Testogen is a complete testosterone support for male health and wellness, improving your performance in the gym and in the bedroom.
Sadly, there is little research into Damiana effects on testosterone and how it may benefit men.
Since there is so much room for further studies, if you are considering trying Damiana to boost your T levels, we’d strongly recommend you redirect your focus towards clinically backed natural ingredients.
Without trialling Damiana on its own to fully understand how Damiana and testosterone may work together, there is currently no clinical evidence to base this theory on.