In order to achieve those chiselled abs, you’re going to need to hit your core from all directions. There’s no hidden ‘secret’ to obtaining ab definition, just hard work and plenty of core tension!
Our core workout for men does just that, helping you hit your upper, lower and side abs, firing up your whole midsection - giving your body no choice but to define those abs.
Before now, many of us have based our core workouts on traditional crunches and sit ups, but I’m sorry to say they just don’t cut it anymore. Not only are these exercises not so great for your back, but they aren’t
quite so effective as the best core workouts for men - oh no. So if these exercises are out, what’s in?
Don’t you fret, my friend. We’ve put together our best core workouts for men that can help you achieve that ab definition you crave.
Core workouts for men: What are they?

The central mid-region of your body - or your “core” - provides the foundation for all types of daily movements. Whether you’re twisting, bending, pivoting or leaning, a chain of muscles are responsible for moving your body in such a way.
While it’s not
crucial to have rock-hard abs in order to simply bend over or perform a certain twist, core workouts for men are on the rise since many of us want more ab definition. As well as allowing your body to make everyday movements, your core also helps you to retain balance.
Unfortunately, as we age, we don’t always feel so nimble! However, maintaining your core strength can help you to stay agile and well-balanced.
What are the benefits of a core workout for men?

There are many advantages to an ab definition workout. And no, it’s not
all about being able to whip your shirt off with great pride (although we do
love that feeling).
The best core workouts for men hit your core from all angles, helping to improve your posture, increase agility, strengthen your overall core and improve balance.
Plus, if you suffer from back pain or stiffness, our core workout routine for men can help alleviate those aches and pains. When back pain strikes, it can stop you from performing everyday activities, as well as bring your gym sessions to a fast halt.
You see, core workouts for men aren’t
all about getting shredded abs, since performing the right back and ab exercises can help alleviate back pain and strengthen your whole mid-section. Oh, and did I mention that most ab definition workout exercises can easily be done at home?
Also Read: How does sleep affect your workouts?
Bonus! Now before we dive into our core workout routine for men, let’s take a moment to mention ab expectations. Sorry, guys, but those washboard abs you crave are achieved far easier for some than others.
Don’t be put off if our ab definition workout doesn’t show quick results. But sticking to our workout plan and optimizing your diet will sure get you on the right track to defined abs!
Now, let’s get stuck in.
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What are the best core workouts for men?
If you’re looking to strengthen your core and work your abs through a variety of angles, you’re you want to squeeze our ab definition workout into your weekly routine!
Hip bridge
Muscles worked: Abdominals, obliques, hip flexor, glutes, hamstring, lower back and core
Hold for 15 seconds - repeat.
Reps: 30
Sets: 3
Rest: 10 seconds
Lay on a mat with your back flat and your hands by your sides with your palms facing downward. Bend your knees, while keeping your feet hip-width apart.
While keeping your back straight, push your hips up towards the ceiling, maintaining a straight line from your head to your knees.
Repeat the move - working your way to a longer hold.
Mountain climbers
Muscles worked: Shoulders, core, hamstrings, triceps and quads
Reps: 30
Sets: 3 (if you can!)
Rest: 10 seconds
Get down on your mat once again as though you’re about to do a press up. Keep your weight spread across your toes and hands as you bring one knee up towards your elbow.
Take it back to the start position and quickly switch to the other leg as though you’re running. That’s one rep - now keep going as fast as you can!
Also Read: What to do before and after a workout
Don’t forget - don’t let your hips sag.
Ab wheel rollout
Muscles worked: Rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis
Reps: 12
Rest: 10 seconds
Grab an ab wheel (or something you can roll!) and start by kneeling on the floor.
While keeping the wheel central between your shoulders, engage your core and begin to roll your body forward until you lose that core tension. Return to the start and repeat.
Keep going for as long as you can (aim for 30!) until you can’t keep form any longer.
Russian twist (with weight)
Muscles worked: Hip flexors, obliques, rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis and more
Reps: 15
Rest: 10 seconds
This core workout exercise can be done with either a kettlebell, dumbbell or even a medicine ball. Choose your weight of choice and sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet slightly raises.
Grip the weight in front of you, before twist your torso to one side - pausing for a moment - before twisting to the opposite site and returning to the start.
Try to keep your feet off the ground throughout the exercise if you can.
Modified V-sit
Muscles worked: Rectus abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques and hip flexors
Reps: 12
Rest: 10 seconds
Start the move by laying on the floor with your fingertips by your temples and feet off the ground. Engage your core as you draw your knees towards your chest and crunch your torso up to meet your knees.
Lower to the start and repeat. Remember - keep those heels off the ground!
Hanging leg raise
Muscles worked: Rectus abdominis and obliques
Reps: 12
Rest: 10 seconds
This ab definition workout isn’t quite so easy to do at home, unless you have your own pull-up bar. However, stand holding the bar, making a V-shape with your arms.
Allow your arms to hang straight on the bar, as you keep your feet together and bring your knees up into an L-position. It should look like you’re sitting on an imaginary chair while hanging from the bar.
Lower your legs steadily and repeat. You can also attempt this exercise while holding your legs out straight (if you wish!).
Superman hold
Muscles worked: Glutes, hamstrings, core, upper traps and spinal erectors
Reps: 12
Rest: 10 seconds
Lay down on the floor, on your front. Extend your arms and legs out into a Superman pose. From here, lift your lower body and chest off the floor, keeping your waist and belly button tight to the ground.
Also Read: How to get a summer body in 4 weeks
Hold the top of the move for 15 seconds and build up this time as your fitness levels increase. Don’t forget to lift your upper and lower body in sync.
Ready to feel the burn?
While there are plenty of core workouts for men around, it takes variety to hit your core from all angles and work your way to achieving ab definition.
During this core workout routine for men, don’t forget to gradually increase reps and sets as your fitness levels increase! Plus, you’ll have greater success when your pair your ab definition workout with an overall healthy lifestyle.
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