The 7 minute workout for busy women

The 7 minute workout for busy women

Why does there never seem to be the time in your life for you anymore? Ladies, trust me, we get it. The problem is, that you want to work out, but the thought of squeezing a gym workout into your day seems completely out of reach. Understandably, on some days that will be true. However, it is really important to ensure that you make time to look after yourself. For plenty of women out there, exercise is something we know we should do, but it always ends up at the bottom of the list behind work commitments, house tasks, and children. It’s hardly surprising to find out that a study has revealed that 47% of women in the UK say they don’t do any sort of regular exercise. Maybe it’s because we found it easier when we were all in lockdown and there were plenty of home workout videos to choose from. Over the pandemic, many influencers and fitness lovers released videos that were friendly for all ages, sizes, and fitness levels. The government recommends that we aim to get at least 150 minutes of exercise every week, but that seems virtually impossible alongside all the demands you have. Although, when you break it down, 150 minutes of activity is 30 minutes, five days a week, which to some seems much less overwhelming. However, it is also possible to half the target to 75 minutes, but only if you exercise vigorously. If you’re up to a world of pain and sweat, then maybe that is the option for you.

Who likes burpees anyway?

Who thought that jumping in the air, going down into a press-up, and coming up again would actually be an enjoyable exercise? There are many of us who will avoid high-impact exercises and the idea of weight lifting isn’t going down well either. It may be the same group of burpee avoiders, but there are also plenty of us that find the gym a terrifying place to go. It’s full of fit, bulging muscles, and physical perfection, which is all very intimidating, especially if you’re holding onto a few extra pounds. For some reason, there is also this unspoken expectation to keep up with all the latest trends in activewear.

The alternative is working out at home. All too often this involves online videos that claim to be aimed at “beginners” when in actual fact they expect a level of fitness and knowledge that many people don’t have, especially those who are new to exercise.

Get that body moving

It is believed that the key to getting moving is looking for ways to build activities, that fit into your life. This means you need to be making sure you’re getting those steps in and adding some healthy habits into your routine. The most effective exercises are the “composite” ones, and that is because they can work several muscles at the same time. Seven minutes have been put down as the perfect amount of time to exercise. Five minutes doesn’t seem enough and 10 minutes feels too much. Not just that, but everyone is capable of finding seven minutes in their day to achieve the results they want. If you do the right exercises within that time you can really up your fitness level, increase your strength, and lose weight. Standing leg kicks would be a great exercise to make use of that seven minutes (more on those shortly). Not only do they help build up strength in your arms and legs, but they also work your abdomen and butt. This will all help to improve your balance and raise your heart rate to burn calories and improve fitness. There is also no need for any special kind of equipment or clothing, so they can do done anytime, anywhere. The exercise may look simple, but it is very effective. For some, the key is exercising without even knowing you’re doing it. It’s important to keep things simple and that targets remain realistic, it’s doing something that counts. Work and chores may seem important, but it’s your health that should be at the top of your list.

It only takes seven minutes

No matter how long you workout for, or how hard you push yourself, everyone feels better after getting their body moving. Surely, even with the busiest of schedules, you’ve got seven minutes somewhere in your day to workout?

Now, we’re going to give you the perfect seven-minute workout, that will definitely get your heart going. Before starting anything, warm up by marching on the spot for 30 seconds, then do the exercises in order. Follow each exercise for a full minute and then stretch out your muscles when you’ve finished.

Leg kicks

So, in the first minute, you’re going to do the leg kicks we mentioned earlier. These elevate your heart rate and strengthen your core which will improve your flexibility and balance.
  • Stand up straight with your core and glutes tight
  • Swing one leg up as high as you can, and keep it as straight as you can
  • Stretch your left hand out forward and try to touch your foot, before bringing it back down
  • Alternate kicking out each leg as many times as you can in 60 seconds

Waist whittler

Minute two is going to consist of waist whittlers. These will tone your oblique muscles (these run down the sides of your waist) which helps to build core mobility and stabilizes your muscles.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and arms crossed over your chest
  • Next, bend towards the right from your waist and reach your right hand out and down
  • Return to the center and alternate sides for 60 seconds

Lunge to kick

Lunge to kick is your exercise for minute number three. It’s a great cardio workout and will strengthen your core.
  • Start with your feet hip-width apart and lunge your right leg behind you, with your left leg at a 90-degree bend
  • Kick your right leg out in front of you as you come back to the standing position
  • Repeat for 30 seconds on the same leg and then switch legs for the other 30 seconds

Speed skater

You’re going to need a little coordination with this one, but it’s worth it. Speed skater for minute four is a movement that improves stability in your hips, knees, and ankles. Not only that, but it’s another exercise that will get your heart going.
  • Start by swinging your right leg out behind you
  • Bend your left leg and bring your right arm forward, whilst your left arm goes back
  • Hop to change sides so your left arm is in front and your left leg behind
  • Swap sides just like a speed skater and keep going for 60 seconds

Side shuffle

Five minutes in now and for this one you’re going to do a side shuffle. Performing this exercise is a great way to strengthen your lower body.
  • Start in a squat, with your knees and hips bent and hands clasped out in front of you
  • Whilst staying low, step sideways a couple of paces to your right and feel the stretch in the side of your leg as you move
  • Between each pace, bring your feet together
  • Repeat this by going left and continue to alternate sides for 60 seconds

Punch and crunch

You’re nearly there now at minute six with punch and crunch. This exercise is really great for heart health and also strengthens your arms, back, core and legs.
  • Start with your legs out wide and fists close to your body and elbows out
  • Punch one arm out straight and then the other, four times
  • Next, lift your right knee as high as you can and put your arms by your sides
  • Step your right foot back and bring the other up into another knee crunch
  • Repeat four on each side for 30 seconds

Step in and out

The final minute, ladies! It’s step time for your last exercise of the routine. This move aims to target your legs and upper body. Exercises such as step aerobics can be great for boosting your mood and energy levels.
  • Stand up straight with your arms by your sides
  • Step your right foot out and then the left and raise your arms above your head
  • Then, step your feet back in and lower your arms.
  • Again, step your feet out and raise your hands to shoulder height.
  • Get back into the starting position and repeat for 60 seconds

Our conclusion

Well, there it is, ladies, the proof that you can sweat it out and squeeze a good workout into a short seven minutes. You can really get your heart racing which is great for your cardiovascular health. Not only that, but all the exercises we’ve given you will help to strengthen muscles all over your body.

Want to smash your goals?

Whether you’re someone that works out 30 minutes a day, every day, or just for seven minutes, the goal is still the same. To get our bodies moving to feel fitter and healthier. If you feel like you could do with a little more, then Trimtone could be the one for you. With Trimtone, you can achieve your body goals even faster, it also helps to:
  • Burn fat
  • Control your hunger and cravings
  • Boost your metabolism
It’s just seven minutes, ladies, we know you can do this!
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