As men, there are a number of things that make us feel masculine. Typically, it starts during puberty, as our testosterone levels heighten and we start to notice a number of changes. These can include our voice deepening, body hair growth, sex drive and even muscle growth.
So, of course, if anything gets in the way of us
feeling like a man, we want to rid ourselves of it pretty much right away, am I right? There’s a whole world of “manly” traits we can adopt.
Unfortunately, the beer belly and man boobs are the ones we
really don’t want.
Worried about man boobs? You’ve come to the right place, as we’ve got four key exercises to banish those moobs.
Manboobs vs Gynecomastia

Often referred to as the dreaded ‘moobs’, Gynecomastia is the result of swelling of glandular tissue. Some men naturally have larger ‘breast’ tissue than others, which can be caused by excess chest fat or the swelling/enlargement of breast tissue.
Typically, Gynecomastia is different to the storage of excess chest fat - as most causes of Gynecomastia is due to the interference in the male hormone system. Gynecomastia is actually more common than you may think, with up to
30% of guys affected by it at some point in their lifetime.
Clinical gynecomastia is a hormonal imbalance or elevated levels of estrogen and lowered levels of testosterone - whereas your typical manboobs is usually the result of carrying excess fat in the chest area.
Nevertheless, as men, it can feel pretty embarrassing having manboobs, especially when you’re eager to whip your shirt off in the summer.
How to eliminate manboobs
If you’re eager to firm up your chest and strip away those dreaded manboobs, these four exercises could hold the key to your chiselled chest.
Also Read: Does masturbation decrease testosterone levels?
To get the most out of this workout, start with exercise 1A, completing as many reps as you can in 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds, then do exercise 1B for as many reps as possible in 30 seconds.
Rest for 30 seconds. That’s one round. Complete four sets of superset 1, rest for two minutes before moving onto superset 2 for four rounds.
It’s wise to mix up your weekly workouts, adding in these supersets 2 to 3 times a week.
Superset 1
1A: Inverted row
Place the barbell on a squat rack or find a bar at a height where you can grip it from below so that your body is almost level with the ground. Be sure to squeeze your buttocks and strengthen your core (as though you're planking) to make it a full-body exercise. Squeeze your shoulder blades and then pull your weight up to the bar (picture yourself pulling the bar to your chest to help engage your back).
1B: Push up

With the correct form, your typical push up can help to sculpt your chest more than you think. It’s important to keep your plank position strong, engaging your glutes and your core.
To work out your chest even more, ensure your hands don’t sit too wide apart, and keep your elbows from flaring when you lower yourself to the floor. Work up your reps to around 15 to 20, before experimenting with variations to help target new areas.
Superset 2
2A: Goblet squat
Hold a barbell or kettlebell at your chest. Engage your chest and core so that you do not allow the weight to tip your torso forward - keeping your back squeezed can also help. Take the time to lower yourself, keeping your knees wide.
Also Read: The Ultimate Guide to Six Pack Abs
Press up from the ground to bring yourself back up.
2B: Kettlebell swings

Don’t consider this a squat with a front raise, but instead, focus on how your hips hinge and extend. Keep your knees bent slightly, bringing (‘swinging’) the kettlebell between your legs, then stand up and squeeze your glutes to drive the weight upwards.
What else can cause manboobs?

Aside from weight gain in your chest, there is a multitude of things that can contribute towards manboobs, including:
Anabolic steroids
While it may seem like a great idea to build muscle, anabolic steroids are one of the most notorious causes of increased male breast tissue. If you stop taking steroids, it’ll probably go away.
Prescription drugs
Without realising, many common prescription drugs can contribute to the development of Gynecomastia. Some of the most common include:
- Anxiety medications
- Antidepressants
- Medication that helps manage symptoms of AIDS
- Chemotherapy medications
- Drugs for managing ulcers or other gastrointestinal problems
- Heart meds
Lack of sleep
While missing out on a good night’s rest won’t make those manboobs appear overnight, sleep deprivation can make it harder to digest nutrients, which are important for maintaining our endocrine (hormonal) systems.
When your hormones are thrown out of whack, it can lead to manboobs!
Manboobs and low testosterone

Gynecomastia can often be the result of low testosterone levels, since a hormonal imbalance can contribute to those dreaded moobs.
Also Read: How to lose chest fat fast
But as well as having low T, higher levels of estrogen can also lead to the development of man boobs. But how can you fight back against man boobs? As well as the exercises above to help chisel your chest area, a natural testosterone-boosting supplement, like Testogen, can help to safely increase your T levels and prevent a hormonal imbalance.
With just four capsules a day, you can naturally and safely increase your testosterone, while improving your energy levels, performance, muscle growth, libido
and fat loss. Get ready to wave those manboobs goodbye!